Opt-in Popups Triggers
Setting Up Opt-in Popups Triggers
Our Opt-in Popups have the ability to be flexible in terms of how they appear on your website. Please see below for a breakdown of all the different options
Automatic Triggers

Test triggers allow to see how the pop-up triggers will work in the preview. (Example: https://share.one.store/NQujYmRB)
These are triggers to be defined specifically for desktop customers that visit your website
These are triggers to be defined specifically for mobile customers that visit your website
If this option is disabled, the pop-up won’t be displayed for visitors who use their laptop or PC to land on your site.
If this option is disabled, the visitors who use laptop or PC will not see pop-up or will see only the teaser trigger if enabled.
Show popup on exit-intent: the pop up will appear if the mouse leaves the borders of the page (if the visitor taps “back” in browser via smartphone)
Show popup on timer: the pop up will appear after the time mentioned here;
Show popup on scroll: the pop up will appear after visitor starts scrolling the page;
Show popup on inactivity: the pop up will appear if after the time mentioned here visitor do nothing;
Show again once every days: the pop-up will appear 1st time for a new visitor and then after the time period mentioned here;
Show again once every sessions: the pop-up will appear 1st time for a new visitor then after the number of sessions mentioned here. (NOTE: a session will end after 30 minutes of inactivity when the user logs off the site)
Show again once every pages: the pop-up will appear after the visitor enters the number of website pages mentioned here.
Stop showing after subscribe to: the pop-up will stop appearing after the visitor subscribes to option chosen here: any pop-up, this pop-up, specific pop-up;
Stop showing after shows per : the pop-up will stop appearing after the number of shows per session or visitor mentioned here.
Teaser Trigger. When this feature is on a small floating circle or a tab will appear on your site. When you click on it, the pop-up will appear. Hence, this feature allows visitors on your site to decide when they want to fill out the pop-up’s form;
Custom Trigger. This section includes options with code snippets that you should add to your site if you want to make your Fortune Wheel trigger when visitors click on a specific button on your site
Teaser Trigger
The teaser trigger is a small icon that appears on your site that is a "minimized" version of the Popup. By clicking on it, the pop-up will appear again. Thus, when enabled, this feature allows visitors to decide when they want to fill out the pop-up form. Enabling the teaser trigger can up to DOUBLE your popup's opt-in rates! So we strongly recommend keeping it on!. Here’s how it will look on your site:

Let’s take a closer look on how the teaser trigger settings look like:

Show Button Before Automatic trigger: the tag will appear before the pop-up triggers
Show Button After Automatic trigger: the tag will appear after the pop-up has been closed
After subscribe to this Popup: the tag will be shown even after the new visitor subscribed. Once activated, subscribers will see only the part of the pop-up with the coupon code.
The trigger can look like a

Control the horizontal position of the icon to be on the right or left side of the screen
Control the vertical position of the icon to be on the top, middle or bottom of the website. (Example) Whereas tab can be placed on the left or right side of the page (Example). The corner tab can be placed only in the corners of the page (Example) The rectangle can be placed on the top, middle or bottom of each page side (Example)
Here you can adjust the small text notification that appears when the visitor hovers the mouse over the floating circle. Please note that this notification (and its customization) is available only for floating circle. All other settings are similar for tab (Example)
The text of the notification can be changed to the one you like. You can change it directly in this field
In this field, you can change the font of the text in the floating circle text notification. Please note if you select “Site Default” option, the main font from your site will be applied to the notification text;
You can select any standard icon to show in the floating circle or upload a custom one by clicking UPLOAD CUSTOM ICON
On this step, you can change the color of the icon and its opacity (by changing percentage value)
By moving the slider here you can adjust the size of the icon
Changes the background color of the floating circle
Changes the outer border of the floating circle
Changes the width of the floating circle
Pro Tip: Popups work the best if they grab your customer's attention within the first few seconds, or if you can get their attention as they're exiting. Setup the triggers in a way that balances optimizing your opt-in rate, without annoying your customers too much!
Updated on: 09/03/2023
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