Install the ONE Custom Script to show Pop ups and Social Proof on Custom Pages
Background In order for our Opt-in Popups and Social Proof to appear on specific webpages, our custom script needs to be installed on the page. By default, when installing our app on platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce, we propagate the script across ALL pages on your domain. However, this is limited to ONLY pages on your domain. You may have pages as part of your website that are hosted on other domains, in which case our script will not be loaded on those pages. In order to haveFew readersIntegrating with WooCommerce
Need Help? Message us on Live Chat, Facebook Messenger, or How to Integrate with WooCommerce Instructions Install & Activate Go to your Wordpress Admin console (i.e. "") Login to your Wordpress Admin console Navigate to Plugins -Add New and search for ProofFactor Install and Activate the "Proof Factor – Social Proof Notifications for WooCommeFew readersIntegrating Proof Factor with Webhooks
Here's how to integrate and pass data to Proof Factor with using Webhooks! Create a campaign Create a Campaign at: Enable the notifications you would like to appear on your Store i.e Live User Count and User Activity Customize the User Activity Notification Click on customize under the User Activity notification type. Once you are here you should configure theFew readers