Integrating Proof Factor with Webhooks
Here's how to integrate and pass data to Proof Factor with using Webhooks**!**
Create a campaign
Create a Campaign at:
Enable the notifications you would like to appear on your Store i.e Live User Count and User Activity
Customize the User Activity Notification
Click on customize under the User Activity notification type.
Once you are here you should configure the messaging section of the notification. We recommend using the template option. This gives you the ability to do something like _User recently bought a {{ product_name }}!_ where productname_ is the name of the different products you have inhave. Click the Done button once you are finished.
Configure the Capture of notifications
Click Custom Webhook -> New Webhook and give your webhook an easy to recognize name
Copy the URL from the webhook and then click Use This Webhook
Pass data to the Webhook!
Using the unique URL created in your webhook, set up a POST via your API to send the data to our servers

Important*** The payload type should be json
The webhook can accept any custom fields along with the following default fields:
Test your Post Call
Send example data to Proof Factor and we can confirm we've got it (let us know when you do!)
Configure Plugin Display
Back to the Campaign configuration and click on Display then click the switch to custom. Enter your domain name here i.e
Install the plugin on your Store
Navigate to and copy the install code.
Paste the install code from above right above the ending </body> tag
Thanks for the feedback! 🙏🏽
Create a campaign
Create a Campaign at:
Enable the notifications you would like to appear on your Store i.e Live User Count and User Activity
Customize the User Activity Notification
Click on customize under the User Activity notification type.
Once you are here you should configure the messaging section of the notification. We recommend using the template option. This gives you the ability to do something like _User recently bought a {{ product_name }}!_ where productname_ is the name of the different products you have inhave. Click the Done button once you are finished.
Configure the Capture of notifications
Click Custom Webhook -> New Webhook and give your webhook an easy to recognize name
Copy the URL from the webhook and then click Use This Webhook
Pass data to the Webhook!
Using the unique URL created in your webhook, set up a POST via your API to send the data to our servers

Important*** The payload type should be json

The webhook can accept any custom fields along with the following default fields:
{ "email" : "", "first_name" : "", "image_url" : "", "city" : "", "state" : "", "country" : "", "ip" : "" }
Test your Post Call
Send example data to Proof Factor and we can confirm we've got it (let us know when you do!)
Configure Plugin Display
Back to the Campaign configuration and click on Display then click the switch to custom. Enter your domain name here i.e
Install the plugin on your Store
Navigate to and copy the install code.
Paste the install code from above right above the ending </body> tag
Thanks for the feedback! 🙏🏽
Updated on: 27/10/2023
Thank you!