Articles on: Social Proof

Customize the Recent Activity Notification

The Proof Factor recent activity notifications system has a very powerful templating system. You can change what shows up on the title as well as the subtitle sections. The following are the default tags you can use that will update automatically for each new users/customer. 

{ first_name: 'Mike', city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'California', country: 'US',}

You can use these tags by inserting them into the Title or Subtitle tag by putting the tag in between two brackets.  For example:

Title: {{ first_name }} from {{ city }}, {{ state }}

If you use Shopify or WooCommerce you will also have access to:

{ company: 'Proof Factor LLC', product_name: 'Car',}

When using webhooks you can also send custom data and access that data using the keys you passed in the JSON

As an example for the above data, you might configure the recent activity notification like so:

Title: {{ first_name }} from {{ city }}, {{ state }}

Subtitle: Bought a {{ product_name }}!

The notification should look something like this:


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Updated on: 13/01/2022

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